DPS Community Information
School Choice is now open!
SchoolChoice is for any student who wants or needs to
attend a new school for the following school year, particularly
“transitioning” students, typically incoming kinder, sixthand ninth-grade students. All incoming preschool students, as well as incoming students who reside in an enrollment
zone, must complete an application.
Adults and kids over the age of 5

As we look toward the start of the school year, we wanted to share some next steps for families. Our Online Registration is now open, and families are asked to update their contact and registration information.
To take part in Online Registration, first make sure you have an active Parent Portal account at myportal.dpsk12.org. Then, sign in and complete Online Registration before school starts. Click here or call the Choice and Enrollment Helpline at 720-423-3493 for more details on how to complete the process.
Opt-In Info for School Transportation
It’s time to participate in the Transportation Opt-In Pilot Program. This pilot program gives you the opportunity to let us know if your student plans to use their transportation eligibility for the 2020-21 school year. Your participation helps our Routing Department plan routes more efficiently, reduce delays and improve service. Please make your selection by May 29. If you do not opt-in by May 29, we will not plan for your student to use their transportation eligibility for the 2020-21 School Year.
Please go to your Parent Portal and navigate to the Transportation page.
The link above contains more information about this process.
The 20-21 School Choice Window opened today and runs through February 18. Shoemaker is accepting applications for full day ECE (preschool) age 4 through 5th grade.
You should participate in School Choice:
– If your child is a current ECE student at Shoemaker to obtain a kindergarten spot
– to choose a middle school for your rising 5th grader
– to change to another DPS school
You do not need to participate in School Choice if you child is currently attending Shoemaker in grades K-4th.
(**Note: Shoemaker will no longer be able to provide ECE services for 3 year olds, a change to our programming for next year. All ECE classes will be for students who will by 4 by October 1, 2020)
Black Minds Matter, Black Families Matter: Join the Conversation

DPS is excited to invite DPS families and community members to attend the FACE University event. Choose from a variety of topics to learn important and effective educational information, strategies and resources to help support your children’s academic, social and emotional growth!
In addition to the variety of workshop topics, there will be three sessions designed to address multiple concerns and needs of African-American families to support in successfully navigating our school and district system, including:
- What does “Parent Engagement” means to us? (9:20-10:15 a.m.)
- We will define African-American Parent Engagement and how it helps our children succeed in school.
- How do you get what your child needs from the school? (10:25-11:30 a.m.)
- Understand and work with the system to address the needs of your child.
- Village Conversation (11:40 a.m.-12:35 p.m.)
- Manage cultural conflicts with school staff; get your child off the couch and into something meaningful and productive; and support your child to graduation and beyond.
DPS Board of Education President, Anne Rowe |
For the past three decades, as a community member, a DPS parent, a small business owner and, now, as president of the board of education, I’ve had the great fortune to work with so many of our amazing leaders — in our classrooms, in our schools and in our district. Today, because of the deep passion that our leaders have for improving the future of the children and families we serve, we are a better district in every way than we were when I first started this work. We have become a district recognized nationally for innovation, from our emphasis on teachers as leaders in their buildings to our focus on the social and emotional — as well as academic — needs of our kids.
As we look to our future as a district and the selection of our next superintendent, we know that we can only build on this progress if we do it together. Times of change can be uncertain. But my fellow board members and I are confident in and incredibly thankful for the talent and dedication of our leaders and educators to continue to serve our students well and move this district forward. Thank you, Team DPS, for all that you do for our students.
We know that choosing a superintendent is the most important responsibility that we as board members have and we are committed to being thorough and open in this work. To this end, the Board is seeking to gather input from the community on each person’s hopes and dreams for the future of the district and the qualities and characteristics that are most important in the next superintendent. Last week we made the decision to extend our search timeline by a little more than a month to ensure that we have sufficient opportunities to collect as much input from the community as possible. We believe that the more intentional, strategic and thoughtful we are about this process, the brighter the future will be for Team DPS.
We are seeking your input in multiple ways: traditional public-comment-style meetings, large community meetings, small group meetings with organizations and organized groups, a community survey open to all stakeholders, and a supersearch@dpsk12.org email address at which board members can receive input from any stakeholder at any time.
Since Tom announced his departure in July, we have held two public comment sessions, have met with over 45 small groups and have conducted five of 11 large community meetings across the Near Northeast, Central, Southwest and Southeast regions. Our large community meetings are being conducted in a “house style,” which is designed around the idea of lifting up everyone’s voice, including those who would not be comfortable speaking to large audiences. This is especially important in our district where more than 36% of our 90,000-plus families speak a language other than English. Hundreds of community members — students, parents, teachers and staff — have participated in these fruitful conversations, and we are sharing what we are hearing on our SuperSearch.dpsk12.org website.
Thank you to everyone who has already provided feedback and attended a community meeting. There are plenty more opportunities for engagement. We look forward to hearing from you. Please check
SuperSearch.dpsk12.org for the most up-to-date calendar and the latest news and announcements.
DPS Board of Education President
Anne Rowe